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I have acquired a great interest and love for architecture and real estate having traveled and danced my way around the world as a professional ballet dancer.  I began at age 3 and retired at age 31.  During those years I had the pleasure of dancing for Milwaukee Ballet, Media City Ballet, Francisco Martinez Dance Theater as well as co-founding La Danserie.



In 2001, I opened Bodywise, Inc., a Pilates studio specializing in overall physical health and rehab.  It still successfully operates in Northridge continuing to serve clients with their specialized needs.


I also served the insurance community working for Northridge Insurance Agency and Brooks Insurance Services.  It made me studiously aware of how to protect our real estate investments.


My career has taught me the art of negotiations from corporate to personal exchanges.  During the negotiating process it is the optimum advantage to have an agent serve your best interest.  My goal is to serve and support clients; advise them of the benefits afforded to them as well as avoiding the risks sometimes present before, during and after a transaction.


On more of a personal note, I have a love for fitness, financial and physical.  I am a retired professional cyclist.  Having ridden by bicycle what seems like most of Southern California in the efforts of training, I have an infinite scope of the area. 


It is my wish to step you through the processes of all your real estate ventures.

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